As some of you know 10/10 is World Mental Health Day. Every year we see more and more post on social media and discussion based around this day. ALL GOOD THINGS. I want to challenge everyone to something this year on World Mental Day.

On top of all the posts, shares and likes on social media to raise awareness I challenge for everyone to have a self assessment on identifying ONE action that benefits their mental health. For example here are a few of mine, practicing my breathing, exercising, cleaning up my living area and getting a good night of sleep.
SO, my challenge this year is not just to recognize the day and spread awareness but do something about it for your own good! The awareness of Mental Health is clearly making strides in this day and age, but let's start making some conscious efforts every day to work on own Mental Health. But wait there is more.... Come next year on 10/10 I want everyone to share with one person what you have done the past year to help you mental health.
Let's do it Gang!
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